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The Runner "CR" (Critical Response) takes the Echo-Sigma Runner concept to the next level by letting you go from “off duty” to “first responder” in just a few seconds. Developed in conjunction with Law Enforcement professionals from across the country, the Runner "CR" is designed to both get you up to speed faster and keep you on station longer in the event of a wide spread or quickly developing emergency. At its core, the Echo-Sigma Runner "CR" is a compact disaster preparedness kit that is designed for individuals who either want to stay super mobile or add emergency kit features to their existing compliment of gear. The entire pack is MOLLE compatible for attachment to an existing pack OR you can use the included backpack straps for use as a stand-alone backpack. The choice is yours. The Echo-Sigma Runner "CR" provides the core functionality that you need to stay upright in case of emergency. The entire kit arrives at your door completely pre-configured and ready to go out of the box.
* Denotes additional items or upgrades compared to the standard Runner system